Nothing likes to deal with a painted pout, especially one that starts to develop over the course of the times due to unhealthy life habits. occasionally, lips also come naturally discoloured due to genetics and age.
Also, an indeed more common issue is the upper lip not matching the lower one( or vice versa). Dark lips are frequently painted in an uneven manner as well, making them unpleasing to look at.
As opposed to wearing lip makeup to cover them up every single day, it’s important to treat and watch for them right to lighten saturation for a healthier pout.
Dark lips could also be the sign of an beginning health condition and advisement that you need a life change for healthier skin.
Causes of dark lips
It’s important to pay attention to the health of your lips and notice them change color at as beforehand a stage as possible to treat them adequately.
Visit our site to know more about Laser Treatment for Dark Lips in Abu Dhabi.
Unfortunately, no matter how effective a home remedy may feel, it wo n’t lighten your lips in the long run and return them to their original pink tinge. Smoking, consuming tobacco and sun damage are the primary reasons that lead to darkened lips.
Regular smoking or biting tobacco can both lead to darkened lips over time and can take a lot of work in terms of at-home and in-clinic treatments to lighten them.
Treatment options
While forestallment is always better than cure, at Isya, we do have treatments available to help reduce lip saturation and bring your pout back to health. Read on to discover the perfect option for your requirements.
Treatment Options
Good Genes
Trust this lip treatment to give your pucker a hydration boost and lighten any discolouration.
The Good Genes procedure uses small micro needles to producemicro-channels in the lips, andanti-pigmentation serums are contemporaneously fitted into the skin apkins through these channels.
This serum is a natural and effective lightening agent that works hard to indeed out pigmented skin. perk it also hydrates lips and boosts collagen for mild and natural lip plumping.
Post treatment goods
You might witness mild greenishness, a chinking sensation or swelling that will subside in 48 hours.
How long does it last?
You'll notice the results of this treatment within 2- 5 days. The procedure takes 30 twinkles to do and we recommend subscribing up for 6 sessions for the stylish visible results.
There are no pitfalls associated with this effortless procedure.
Stylish seeker
still, this in- clinic treatment is the one for you, If you have persistently dry lips that are painted.
Pixel Perfect
This treatment is absolutely effortless,non-invasive and incredibly effective to ameliorate an uneven texture and lighten saturation.
This advanced treatment offers the rearmost generation of spotlights that help to treat saturation and aging of the lips. It uses light that goes deep into the skin face, exfoliates the skin and allows the dark color to be removed through fractional ray technology.
Plus, it’s effortless and shows promising results for indeed the most irremovable saturation and inadequately textured lips.
Post-treatment goods
Allow for 3 weeks of time-out after this treatment. You'll notice greenishness for two days and some scab conformation but do n’t worry, that will fall off and heal with time.
How long does it last?
We apply a deadening cream on the area before treating it and the duration of the procedure is 30 twinkles. We recommend six sessions to see long- lasting results.